4 תגובות

הוסף תגובה חדשה
    thank you!
    28/08/2014 21:43
  1. :-)thank you!!

    • G.S   30/08/2014 12:10

      Nice but seems to be be a single brave response among vast hipocrite voices. Just a small reminder that the palestinian are new comer which invade a terrible land whenever it was flosrished by Jews. In a head count done by the turkish administration 150 years ago there were only 25000 muslims in Israel limited to few small towns. Most of inhabitants were Christians, Armenians and Jews. The Jews use a political apportunity to returns to there land in the end of the 19th century. The Jew were forced to re-buy most of the elesewere stranded land in order to implant there fields. The florish of the land change the shape of this land but produce massive arab tribes infiltrate which took control on Jewish settlements in Hevron, Nablus,….by killing the non muslim citizens among them the Jews. In multitude inside arab leaders speeched they admit the palestinian infiltrate Israel from all over the arab world. The call to “free Palestine” for those new comers is similar and has the same ligitimacy to a future call by Muslim minority to free UK from the British.

      • יוחי   30/08/2014 23:22

        BRAVO !!!

  2. Bravo!
    30/08/2014 05:04
  3. The voice of reason. Thank you.